Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Avoiding Stress When Moving House With Children

Moving house is often said to be one of the most stressful times of an adult's life and there are few people who would disagree, it is, after all, something we take for granted. For a child, the experience can be just as difficult but this is something which is often overlooked.

I can remember as a child when we moved house and can still recall that it was something of a traumatic event. We had not moved far, less than half a mile, but, in terms of the upheaval this caused to my life, it may as well been million miles? I vaguely remember the build-up which, for a child, can be quite daunting. Moving house can seem like an adventure but it can also be an unsettling experience.

If you are planning on moving in the near future it can be a good idea to stop and think about the impact this will have upon your child's emotional well-being and make preparations accordingly?

Keep them informed - surprises are not always welcome at a young age so make sure your children know you are looking for somewhere new to live straight away. The longer they have to get used to the idea the less of a shock the actual change will be.

Take pictures and make plans - a good idea is to take pictures and start to make plans with them as to how you will decorate and furnish their new rooms.

Get the timing right - try to time your move with the school holidays with summer time being ideal. This will give them time to settle in and make new friends before the next big change happens at the start of a new school year.

Keep them involved - the more involved your children are in the preparations then the more fun it will be. Get them organising their belongings for the move, what to keep and what can be disposed of. Try not to have too much of a clear-out at this stage as they'll need to keep as much familiarity as possible when the move comes along.

On the day itself - if at all possible let your kids remember their old house the way it was. Seeing a home stripped bare can be unsettling for even us adults so try to arrange for them to stay with a friend or relative while the practicalities of moving house actually take place.
Aim to have their new rooms all finished and ready to move into from day one. You'll always get some time to do some decorating and preparations before moving day so try and make the children's rooms a priority.

Settling in - allow some time for young minds to process all the changes that have occurred. It may take a few days for your son or daughter to become comfortable in their new world so be ready for a few sleeping problems and tantrums.

Overall, children are quite resilient and will soon adapt to a new environment. Within a week or so they'll have settled in and be making their mark on the new neighbourhood.

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Find More : moving house , house move , removal company , planning moving , Office Removal

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